Foto LaPresse – Omar Abd el Naser02/03/2015 – Milano, ItaliaPresentazione libro di Rosy e Bruno Arena ҄omani ti porto al mare" – Mondadori, piazza Duomo (MI)Nella foto: Bruno Arena si ripresenta al pubblico, dopo lեmorragia celebrale che lo ha colpito nel 2013, con il suo libro, scritto insieme alla moglie Rosy ҄omani ti porto al mareӮ Presenti numerosi ospiti. Qui Paola BaralePhoto LaPresse – Omar Abd el Naser02/03/2015 – Milano, ItalyBook presentation Ҕomorrow iլl bring you to the beachӠof Bruno and Rosy Arena – Mondadori, piazza Duomo (MI)Book presentation Ҕomorrow iլl bring you to the beachӠof Bruno and Rosy Arena – Mondadori, piazza Duomo (MI)In the pic: Bruno Arena comes again in front of his fans, after the sickness took him in 2013. He has presented his book ҠTomorrow iլl bring you to the beachӬ written with his wife Rosy. Many friends was at the presentation. Here Paola Barale
